This morning BabyCakes and I skipped the gym again and instead hit up Duke Gardens where Miss Rachel and LadyBug met us for a little field trip.
What can I say? I enjoy Spring and I know how incredibly lucky I am to be able to have options like this for my day.
The girls loved the fountains and ponds.
They fed the ducks. BabyCakes kept trying to hand-feed them instead of putting their food on the ground and she got snapped more than once. Don't worry, she's okay. No harm no fowl.
Haha. I quack myself up.
Wow, that's some gentle humor.
We strolled along the pebbled pathways amongst the flowers.
Ohhhh the flowers...
If you like tulips like I do, THIS is the place to see them. (Well, outside of Holland. I can't make it there and back before nap time, though.)
Our self-described "big girls" were sweet together. They aren't "Biz & BigBoy" sweet together yet, but they are different children with different needs.
Besides, I think BabyCakes would rather have a "partner in crime" type of friend, anyway. ;)
"Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
WW Wednesday
This morning was my weekly WW meeting and weigh-in.
I was the exact same weight today as I was last week.
For a week that involved LOTS of feeling crappy with headaches and migraines, zero trips to the gym, and more than a couple klondike bars, I know I got a free pass.
Just like always, I started the week off tracking and then just fizzled out. I'm not surprised by my results. If you don't track much you don't lose much!
I'm not eating terribly; I'm just not making "healthy eating for weight loss" a priority.
Know what though? Enough is freakin enough. I'm so OVER this phase of my joooourney. I'm going to *gasp* actually TRY again!
Oh It's ON, baby. On like donkey kong!
I was the exact same weight today as I was last week.
For a week that involved LOTS of feeling crappy with headaches and migraines, zero trips to the gym, and more than a couple klondike bars, I know I got a free pass.
Just like always, I started the week off tracking and then just fizzled out. I'm not surprised by my results. If you don't track much you don't lose much!
I'm not eating terribly; I'm just not making "healthy eating for weight loss" a priority.
Know what though? Enough is freakin enough. I'm so OVER this phase of my joooourney. I'm going to *gasp* actually TRY again!
Oh It's ON, baby. On like donkey kong!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Springtime on campus
Instead of using my free time Monday morning at the gym, I decided a little photo therapy was needed. My friend Brenda went with me to explore Duke Chapel and the surrounding area of the university that is easy to see in the one hour we had.
I've been there many times, and I even have a photo collage in my living room of photos I took there a couple years ago, but I never tire of this beautiful part of campus.
Maybe it is because I have an interest in architecture.
The neo-gothic architecture prevalent on Duke's campus is a nice break from suburban picket-fence life.
The style begs you to pore over it's curves, insert yourself in its story, and feel honored to be a citizen of a world where such beauty exists. Some man-made...
and some with God as the artist.
I doubt the students have time to look overhead and see the branches soaring to their rooftops.
Or to admire the stoic beauty of a stair rail that will last hundreds of years.
Fire-red Japanese maples whipping in the wind blaze bright against the blue sky.
The tower of Duke Chapel stands tall in the middle of campus.
For me, it doesn't say "I am Duke," but rather "I am the world. Use your mind. Dream your dreams."
Sometimes the spirit needs a workout more than the body, and this morning I got just that.
"Yet I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
~Lamentations 3:21-23
Monday, March 26, 2012
(Get it? Power-walking -- flower-walking? haha, ohhhh I could use a nap...)
Yesterday the dark clouds cleared away to reveal a beautiful afternoon.
We went for a short walk around the neighborhood, and BigBoy and I took our cameras along.
Once he saw me snapping a few photos of flowers, he insisted on taking photos of all of them. (He was really cute with his camera. I wish I had taken a picture of him taking a picture.)
Miss Pearline was dressed to impress in all her Spring glory.
Check out the limbs on that old gal. ;)
Aroving band of miscreants some cutie neighbor boys, including one of BigBoy's friends, were getting their skate on.
What are these called? Another flower BigBoy insisted we photograph, and I wish I had in my own yard. They come back fuller every year, it seems.
The hubs loves the grass in this yard so much, he -- well, you can see for yourself what he does. ;)
Um, yeah, I told you it was a pretty day.
For my hometown folks, I took the time to educate my son on the fact that irises are the state flower of our own Tennessee. I mean really, can you beat something that is naturally purple? Why aren't people purple, God? Why are we all boring neutral colors? I could handle a turquoise toddler, I promise!
As I said, almost everything resembling a flower was photographed...

and not so delicate flowers.
Aw, I shouldn't say that. She's a sweetie and I love her very very much.
But she's definitely not a pansy.
Yesterday the dark clouds cleared away to reveal a beautiful afternoon.
We went for a short walk around the neighborhood, and BigBoy and I took our cameras along.
Once he saw me snapping a few photos of flowers, he insisted on taking photos of all of them. (He was really cute with his camera. I wish I had taken a picture of him taking a picture.)
Miss Pearline was dressed to impress in all her Spring glory.
Check out the limbs on that old gal. ;)
What are these called? Another flower BigBoy insisted we photograph, and I wish I had in my own yard. They come back fuller every year, it seems.
The hubs loves the grass in this yard so much, he -- well, you can see for yourself what he does. ;)
Um, yeah, I told you it was a pretty day.
For my hometown folks, I took the time to educate my son on the fact that irises are the state flower of our own Tennessee. I mean really, can you beat something that is naturally purple? Why aren't people purple, God? Why are we all boring neutral colors? I could handle a turquoise toddler, I promise!
As I said, almost everything resembling a flower was photographed...

and not so delicate flowers.
Aw, I shouldn't say that. She's a sweetie and I love her very very much.
But she's definitely not a pansy.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
An update on predictions
I wrote this when BabyCakes was 9 months old. Granted it was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but at the time she really was that easy of a child. I've gone back and added commentary (italicized in yellow) about how those predictions have turned out thus far.
From the post titled "Behind These Blue Eyes" from September 2010...
BabyCakes, you have been an angel baby. Born with a true knot in your umbilical cord, it's amazing that you survived and thrived. You are taking a nap right now, so I'm going to make a few predictions for our near future with you:
I think you will never throw tantrums. You will happily put away your toys when asked and socks will never "hurt" your feet.

You will eagerly brush your teeth and hang up your wet towel after bathing. After putting your pajamas on without asking, you will request to go to bed early.

You will always wear the cute outfits I pick out and you will never chew gum in church.

You will never embarrass me in a grocery store and will leave every hair bow I put in your hair, right where it was placed.

And last but not least, you will shatter all my delusional expectations and leave the world better for the fact that BabyCakes was here.
This is very true. I can't wait to see the other ways you will surprise me, stinker!
From the post titled "Behind These Blue Eyes" from September 2010...
BabyCakes, you have been an angel baby. Born with a true knot in your umbilical cord, it's amazing that you survived and thrived. You are taking a nap right now, so I'm going to make a few predictions for our near future with you:
I think you will never throw tantrums. You will happily put away your toys when asked and socks will never "hurt" your feet.
In the throes of the terrible twos, you throw daily hourly tantrums when your majesty doesn't get your way.
Although you can work an iPad like an Apple Genius, you feign ignorance at the meaning of "Put away your toys."You will eagerly brush your teeth and hang up your wet towel after bathing. After putting your pajamas on without asking, you will request to go to bed early.
The only thing you like about brushing your teeth is sucking the toothpaste off the bristles.
After a bath your wet towel is left on the floor while you squeal and run naked throughout the house.
Don't even get me started on your bedtime resistance. Karma is a bitch and I'm feeling the pain my own parents felt.You will always wear the cute outfits I pick out and you will never chew gum in church.
No gum in church yet, well no gum period. You still wear most of the outfits I pick out but they are quickly accessorized with food particles, most of which are moist.
You will never embarrass me in a grocery store and will leave every hair bow I put in your hair, right where it was placed.
Last week I carried you out of the school with you over my shoulder, kicking and screaming for your brother. This wasn't a grocery store, but it was embarrassing nonetheless. (Even if it was a tad sweet that you wanted BigBoy that much.)
Bows -- HAHA. You've mastered the art of stealth bow-ripping, and the community is now littered with the remains of my old bow addiction.
And last but not least, you will shatter all my delusional expectations and leave the world better for the fact that BabyCakes was here.
This is very true. I can't wait to see the other ways you will surprise me, stinker!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
WW Wednesday
Yaaawwwn. That title is getting a little boring to me. Oh well, "boring" produces results in my case so it's stickin.
The past week in my weight loss joourney was nothing glamorous either.
I followed the plan, I tracked my food and activity, and I used every single point available. (I may have even used a point or two I didn't have available.) What is important is that I tracked, though.
I practiced moderation all week and that in itself is often my struggle.
I had a loss at the scale. It was nothing huge but a loss nonetheless. Every little bit gets me closer to a healthy weight. With so much heart disease and diabetes in my family, I'm fighting an uphill battle against genetics and I can't afford to concede any unnecessary ground.
Thank you, again, to those of you who continue to show your support. I can't wait to see some of my TN folks when we come for a visit in a couple months!
The past week in my weight loss joourney was nothing glamorous either.
I followed the plan, I tracked my food and activity, and I used every single point available. (I may have even used a point or two I didn't have available.) What is important is that I tracked, though.
I practiced moderation all week and that in itself is often my struggle.
I had a loss at the scale. It was nothing huge but a loss nonetheless. Every little bit gets me closer to a healthy weight. With so much heart disease and diabetes in my family, I'm fighting an uphill battle against genetics and I can't afford to concede any unnecessary ground.
Thank you, again, to those of you who continue to show your support. I can't wait to see some of my TN folks when we come for a visit in a couple months!
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Not quite 99 red balloons
I've mentioned before that things have changed in BabyCakes' room since it's early days of the miracle birdie mobile. Not once, not twice, but multiple times. (I don't have a current photo and she is in bed.)
Now her toddler bed is coming straight out from the wall between the windows. The desk has been taken apart with the bottom half currently residing in my bedroom and the top half in BigBoy's closet, and the rocking chair has been replaced with a play kitchen.
As soon as you walk in her room, it screams "I'M A BIG EMPTY WALL! LET ME NOT GREET YOU!"
This print is available all the way up to poster size. I think it would pop so well against the bright blue color of the walls and would be great in an 11x13.

Now her toddler bed is coming straight out from the wall between the windows. The desk has been taken apart with the bottom half currently residing in my bedroom and the top half in BigBoy's closet, and the rocking chair has been replaced with a play kitchen.
As soon as you walk in her room, it screams "I'M A BIG EMPTY WALL! LET ME NOT GREET YOU!"
This print is available all the way up to poster size. I think it would pop so well against the bright blue color of the walls and would be great in an 11x13.

Sunday, March 18, 2012
This is your brain on kids.
I took some quick pics of BabyCakes in her pink giraffe print pj's last night.
I've been sitting here for a while just staring at them.
Me: "Seriously? I have nothing to say. My brain is fried."
Most of the photos came out a little blurry, just like my mind right now.
I can share with you this much: I had sushi on Thursday and it was delicious!
That has to be a shocker to my family. There were fish and veggies involved. And did I mention it was sushi?? I've come a long way from chicken tenders and french fries.
I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Hoping for a good night's sleep and a clear head in the morning.
I have a giraffe to keep up with.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
WW Wednesday
Yep I'm coming at you late in the day on this mighty fine Wednesday in March, but I've mentioned before that my graded writing assignments are priority.
Today was of course my weekly WW meeting and weigh-in.
On Monday I completed the final draft of the first real research paper I've ever done. (Thank you so so much to my friends who supported me when I was spinning and couldn't find my way.)
(I never smiled while doing my homework recently. The Peloponnesian War is not funny.)
I'm not going to go into details, but suffice it to say this paper was more than just a paper to me.
I did NOT handle the anxiety I felt over it well these last few weeks. I'm not normally an anxious person and have not yet figured out how to handle it all that well. Yet another goal... :)
Anyway, I had already made peace with my choices of the past week and was ready to accept whatever number came my weigh (har har) at the scale. (Bear with me, my wit starts to hibernate around 10 pm.)
This is me waiting to see my results:
;) (BabyCakes is going to love that one day, I'm sure.)
Color me SHOCKED when theman behind the curtain lady behind the desk told me I was down FOUR FREAKIN POUNDS.
I may or may not have texted "Booyah! Take that, scale!" to more than one person after my meeting.
The scale has been pretty bitchy lately, you have to admit.
So super-thankful. (Now-please-ww-gods-don't-take-this-away-from-me-next-week!) ;)
Like I've said a million times: It's a new day. It's a new week.
Ancient Greeks are in the past. ;)
Today was of course my weekly WW meeting and weigh-in.
On Monday I completed the final draft of the first real research paper I've ever done. (Thank you so so much to my friends who supported me when I was spinning and couldn't find my way.)
(I never smiled while doing my homework recently. The Peloponnesian War is not funny.)
I'm not going to go into details, but suffice it to say this paper was more than just a paper to me.
I did NOT handle the anxiety I felt over it well these last few weeks. I'm not normally an anxious person and have not yet figured out how to handle it all that well. Yet another goal... :)
Anyway, I had already made peace with my choices of the past week and was ready to accept whatever number came my weigh (har har) at the scale. (Bear with me, my wit starts to hibernate around 10 pm.)
This is me waiting to see my results:
;) (BabyCakes is going to love that one day, I'm sure.)
Color me SHOCKED when the
I may or may not have texted "Booyah! Take that, scale!" to more than one person after my meeting.
The scale has been pretty bitchy lately, you have to admit.
So super-thankful. (Now-please-ww-gods-don't-take-this-away-from-me-next-week!) ;)
Like I've said a million times: It's a new day. It's a new week.
Ancient Greeks are in the past. ;)
Monday, March 12, 2012
What have you blogged for me lately?
I've been a deadbeat blogger lately, I know. I would give my reasons but if you read this blaaahg at all you can guess a few.
So, I thought I'd dust off this old post about how I addressed a similar absence from my blaaaaahg a year and a half agobecause I'm being a lazy blogger and have no new photos to share for a little trip down memory lane.
Until next time...
(September 2010)
I haven't taken any pictures lately.
I haven't done any crafts.
Or organizing, re-purposing, or great yardsale-ing, either.
I don't have any heart-warming anecdotes to share.
No funny remarks made by a child.
What I have been doing is living the "filler portion" of life.
Grocery store -- preschool -- housework -- White Collar(FAVE new show) -- Dirty diapers -- Speech Therapy -- "Hi honey, How was your day?" -- Nap time -- Laundry -- "I wuv you" -- "I said GO TO BED AND STOP PLAYING LEGOS" -- Stray Cheerios -- Cherrio dust on the kitchen floor -- Cheerio's in the diaper -- How is there a Cheerio in my bed? -- Great, the Cheerio is moist, too --
part of life.
You get the picture.
No complaints. Just living our little life.
Hope everybody has a great week-- wait. There is a Cheerio in my bra.
Ok, maybe one minor complaint.
So, I thought I'd dust off this old post about how I addressed a similar absence from my blaaaaahg a year and a half ago
Until next time...
(September 2010)
I haven't taken any pictures lately.
I haven't done any crafts.
Or organizing, re-purposing, or great yardsale-ing, either.
I don't have any heart-warming anecdotes to share.
No funny remarks made by a child.
What I have been doing is living the "filler portion" of life.
Grocery store -- preschool -- housework -- White Collar(FAVE new show) -- Dirty diapers -- Speech Therapy -- "Hi honey, How was your day?" -- Nap time -- Laundry -- "I wuv you" -- "I said GO TO BED AND STOP PLAYING LEGOS" -- Stray Cheerios -- Cherrio dust on the kitchen floor -- Cheerio's in the diaper -- How is there a Cheerio in my bed? -- Great, the Cheerio is moist, too --
part of life.
You get the picture.
No complaints. Just living our little life.
Hope everybody has a great week-- wait. There is a Cheerio in my bra.
Ok, maybe one minor complaint.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
WW Wednesday
I'm typing this at the gym while waiting for a class to start so it's going to be quick.
It was another week of ups and downs for me. The number was up...again... at the scale.
I'm not giving up, though.
No, I didn't share my meals like I planned, but I might in the future.
Moving forward.
It's a new day.
Monday, March 5, 2012
um, okay?
An old post titled "Forget-me-not Friday" was just emailed to my subscribers. I have no clue why. Sorry about that...
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Little June Turns Two... finally
Remember this dress I mentioned 2 months ago?
Melissa made it for BabyCakes' annual "Little June" photos. Unfortunately sickness, bad weather, and toddler tantrums prevented me from getting any decent photos of her in the beautiful garment.
Today I decided at the last minute to give it a try, and I'm happy with how several of the shots came out.
BabyCakes, I love you at two.
Even if sometimes you are a bit TOO two. ;)
The place you have in my heart is too big for words.
P.S. Here's the 6 month, 1 year, and 18 month Little June shots in case you're interested...
Melissa made it for BabyCakes' annual "Little June" photos. Unfortunately sickness, bad weather, and toddler tantrums prevented me from getting any decent photos of her in the beautiful garment.
Today I decided at the last minute to give it a try, and I'm happy with how several of the shots came out.
BabyCakes, I love you at two.
Even if sometimes you are a bit TOO two. ;)
The place you have in my heart is too big for words.
P.S. Here's the 6 month, 1 year, and 18 month Little June shots in case you're interested...
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