Today was a really relaxing day. BabyCakes slept in after a 5 am feeding so BigBoy and I hit some yardsales. (yay!) He helped J out in the garage most of the afternoon while I played with BabyCakes and did a few things around the house. After a long nap, BabyCakes was playing in her play gym thing and I decided to put her on her belly for some tummy time. By the way, that phrase "tummy time" annoys me. They're laying on their stomach. Why does the event really need a name? I don't call it "ass time" when I sit on the couch. Anyway, she's pushing herself up high and looking around and the next thing you know she's rolling herself over. It was pretty cool for us all to be there just watching her do it for the first time. She got a round of applause and could have cared less. :) After I put her back on her belly she just looked at me like "Yeah. So I showed you I could do it but don't expect it to happen again for a while," and proceeded to suck on her hand. :) Here she is with the proud big brother--who's eating some cheese.

The poor little thing still has a watery eye from her cold but this is very much a shot of the "real" BabyCakes.

Lately at bedtime BigBoy has been borrowing BabyCakes glow worm-like seahorse to "read" by in bed. I'll sneak in to check on him at night and he'll be surrounded by a dozen books. For those of you who know how much he resisted being read to for so long, and his current struggles with speech, you will understand how happy this makes me. Of course some nights (like last night) there will also be jedi action figures, legos, and a lightsaber in bed with him, too. :) Hey, he's going to bed nicely and staying in bed all night. Again, if you know our history with him (door-knob covers, screaming and crying endlessly...ughhhh) you will understand just how much I appreciate a pleasant bed time experience. He's so sweet, They both are. :)
My kids are the same way with taking things to bed. Jackson will usually pick one or two things. Audrey on the other hand takes as many toys that will fit in her bed. Sometimes I have to sneak and take some out when she isn't looking. It is a huge ordeal for her to "pick out" something. YAY to the little Miss for rolling over, she is so so pretty!!
I know what you mean, Jana. I just had to remove a tin piggy bank from his bed. It was precariously perched on the edge and would have been really fun for him to wake up to as a crash in the night.
look at her lifting up that head! and rolling over!? my goodness. caroline has some catching up to do!! :-)
Hey: My week has been crazy. Don't mean to ignore you. Under the gun again this morning but later today may be better...YEAH for the rollover. She is ahead of Isaiah too. He is rolling over, but just started a couple of weeks ago. He was 16.2 yesterday and 25 1/2 inches I think...75% of both so he is not as "squatty bodied" as before...HAHAHHAAHA No doubt, he will be built like his dad... As a small girl, I took EVERY doll I owned to bed with me. Lined them up carefully and didn't move all night. Didn't want to smother my children!!! Great memories! :)
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