I've found that for me to be able to reorganize a space and then be able to keep it that way, I have to have a plan. For example, when I cleaned out my bedroom closet the only things I really knew I wanted was my clothes at a lower level and not to feel closed-in and guilty every time I went in there. I'm not a very spacial person so in order to re-do a space I have to remove all the contents and start from scratch. That's what I did with the linen closet. I took everything out and sorted it. Next I knew that I really wanted a laundry basket in the closet for the kids' dirty clothes. I don't keep them in their bedrooms because I like to be able to sort laundry before they wake up sometimes. There is no room in their bathroom for a basket so I always ended up using the top of the dryer -- valuable space in a tiny-hall-laundry-closet type place. It's not really a ROOM. I realized I could easily fold up the bottom shelf and fit a basket, but then I thought it would be nice to get the vacuum out of my pretty bedroom closet so I lifted up another shelf. I held the shelves up using a couple of zip ties I borrowed from the hubs. Bread-bag ties would work too, though. I gained enough space for this by removing some extra-large comforters and putting them in garbage bags, making them ready for under-house storage. (J has a pretty nice set-up going on down there with lots of rubbermaid containers we caught being cleared out at 3 bucks a pop. We have toy bins, Christmas bins, keepsake bins, etc.) Some things in the closet were unused household items like curtains or lamps that no longer had a home so they are going in a bin for storage. I'm a big believer in using your best space for the things you really use. If a lamp has no place in your house any longer but you don't want to part with it, why have it staring you in the face every time you open the closet to get a towel? Extra laundry detergent, paper towels, etc., were moved to the garage where I have a shelf for extra dry goods.
Now I have guest pillows, quilt and sheets available but not 3 extra giant comforters. My crib sheets are in a basket instead of a pile constantly falling over. Everyday towels, kid towels, and guest towels are the most accessible, as well as hand towels in my camera box I cut down. BigBoys sheets and blanket are in the top of his dresser. Extra sheet sets for our bed and the air mattress are gathered as sets and folded in to one of the pillowcases. A plastic drawer holds old towels for spills or car-washing and also spare light bulbs. My supply of spare toiletries was whittled down to only things I really wanted. Spare toothpaste, etc., was packaged up for the local crisis ministry. Why do we need 5 spare toothpastes anyway? By the time I need another tube I'll have found it free again. I feel strongly about not holding on to things that don't mean something to me if they can do someone else some good today. So here it is, my linen closet organized with room to grow. What do you think?
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