Yes, it's been a whole year of the chitlins,


Weight Watchers (well, that's been less than 6 months),
(Remember my mother's day shiner?)


and of course flowers.

I was going to do a giveaway to promote my etsy shop, but decided just to keep it about my blaaahg friends instead. (I'll do a giveaway later.)
Thank you for wanting to keep up with my small family. I love having a place to share the wonderful, hard, funny, and sometimes gross parts of my life.
So now I want to ask you a favor. I'm not going to post again until Monday, so leave me a comment and just say Hi. If you want to get ambitious you could tell me what your favorite thing to read about on here is or what you'd like to hear more about. I know there are a lot of you who never comment, and that's fine, but you can't blame a girl for being curious about who's out there!
Or, you can go ahead and click "Follow" on the right and you can keep up with my posts via Google Reader (you should check it out if you have gmail-- I love using it!). If you don't want to leave me a comment but still want to say Hi, you can send me an email at Who knows, I might end up doing a giveaway on Monday after all, and those of you who comment will be entered in the random drawing. ;)
Anyway, the year's been a blast and I'm glad you guys invited me to share it with you!
Here's to the 2nd year of Just A Curl! May it bring new adventures and lots of
I love your blog. Reading and seeing pictures of your life makes me feel like you are next door (at least for a little while)and not hundreds of miles of away. Love You!!
Please keep up the blog, even if it gets down to just me and Granny reading it. I agree with her, it helps us to see what you are all doing and to feel like part of your everyday life. I know you will be surprised to know that my favorite part is the pictures of the kids - shocker!:) Love you guys!
Every part is my favorite!! Although many miles away, you seem close. You will be very, very glad that have this blog later in life also as a log of your life with the kids!! Love ya. Alesia
No I am just kidding. I love everything about your blog. I love being able to keep up with old friends and seeing your children grow and hearing their stories. I love seeing your decorating ideas, it gives me inspiration.
I love seeing your beautiful pictures, and I think you are a great writer, so just reading about your life is fun. Happy first year of blogging :)
Happy birfday, Cuuuurll! :)
I love every part of your blog. I love that you let me be a part of your family by telling me great stories about your children. I love that you let me be a part of you by sharing what's going on in your life. I love you even though you posted that picture of me in middle school in that awful vest. (Hey, vest were cool then!).
Mostly, I love you. Thanks for blogging and keeping me in your "loop"
Happy Blaaahhhg Birthday! I love seeing the kids and your wonderful photography and reading your witty take on things. I love that you stay positive but you keep it real!
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