BabyCakes and LadyBug relaxing in the shade.

Biz loves LadyBug as much as BigBoy loves BabyCakes

Look at those blue eyes.

The girls -- BigBoy is a little outnumbered but I don't think he minds. :)

Just chillin.
She will kill me for this picture one day. Check out that rollage!

BigBoy and Biz had so much fun throwing rocks in the water. The dust in the air is because most of the rocks came from the walking path. :/
I LOVE this picture. Even if he does has have hat hair. :)
Our lovely Miss Rachel and LadyBug
LadyBug in her Derby-worthy hat
The kids thought is was soooo funny to run from me most of the time! TONS of my pictures are blurs of them running and laughing away from me.
She's growing up so fast. This is such an innocent age, though.
Biz had rocks in the other hand. She of course gave Big boy one of these seeds(?) before we left. They were both soooo sad to go and told us so all the way home.
Have I mentioned how much these two love each other? They've been two peas in a pod since they were babies. Who would have thought that such a boy's boy and girly girl would click so well?
Do I even have to say how blessed we feel?
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