J cut it in two pieces for me. He says I'm not power-tool certified. I have to agree with him. :) I have another frame I will use for the other half.

A flashy gold frame from a picture I'm no longer using. I didn't have glass for it but held on to it anyway. Glad I did!

A little light sanding and a few coats of white spray paint we already had on hand.

BigBoy helped me cover it with leftover fabric from my bar project. I just used tacks on the back so I can replace the fabric when I find some I like better. I roughed up the frame a bit but not too much because I forgot gold was underneath. :)

I've had this "love" sign I spray-painted white (originally black) to hang over it. I hung the board lower than normal because I wanted children to be able to see it easily. Now they have a place of honor to hang their crafts. I'm mighty happy it only cost me 50 cents, too! (I don't count costs of materials that were bought for another project.)

I forgot to mention this before but it was the bulletin board Miss Rachel put up for Biz and Ladybug that inspired the idea. Thanks Rachel!
How crafty are you :)I love it !
Awesome! Looks great on the dark wall!
Love it. And completely jealous that I would never think of it.
Great creativity!!! Wish I had a drop of it..... Caught up reading blog at 1:00 a.m. Fixing to go to bed. Exahusting but great day!!! So proud of Jordan and the hat came in the middle of the party and he LOVED IT and it fit perfectly. We will talk soon. Love ya! IT HAS FLOODED HERE everywhere!
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