We bought it because we painted BigBoy's room.

How's that, you say?
Let me tell ya!
After painting his room Outerbanks, the only paint we had left was what was remaining in my cup used for edge work. I put some plastic wrap over the top and sat it on the kitchen counter for a few days while I was making certain no touch-up was needed on his walls.
Then came the day I was having some people over during preschool and I didn't want it sitting on the counter. I quickly decided to stash it in the pantry for the duration of their visit, all the while "knowing" I would get it back out after they left and it would no longer be within certain children's grasp.
But I didn't get it out. I forgot. There it sat, untouched, waiting for curious little creatures to discover it.

And then one did.
BabyCakes found the cup and the proceeded to dump it all over herself, her highchair and yes, the CARPET. (Her highchair was the kind that attached to a regular chair and was being stored in the bottom of the pantry at that time.)
When I saw the destruction before me all I could think was "PAINT ON BABY! PAINT DRYING ON CARPET!" and vice versa.
I scooped up BabyCakes and plopped her in the (empty) tub. Then I called neighbor Stacy and just said "I need you right now!"
After hanging up I rushed back to my paint-covered daughter and stripped her. Her clothes were so saturated that they were dripping paint everywhere. By this point Stacy was already at our house with her mini steam vac thing and going at the paint in the carpet. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the highchair, rushed out the back door with it and the paint-covered sleeper, and then flung them off the back porch. I was going to gingerly walk down the steps but I didn't want paint dripping all over our recently-stained (stained in a GOOD way, I mean) floors.
We were able to get the paint out of the areas that people always see but the carpet inside the pantry is stained. Shadows help, but I still think it was a miracle that ANY paint came out!

But there were casualties in this battle.
Left for dead in the back yard.
Painted. Busted. Rejected.
Frozen in the harsh January winter.
I finally crammed the old high chair in the trash can last week. I only paid $12 for it at a consignment store, but I still felt like it was a sad way for it to go.
And so that is why we've moved on to this younger, snazzier model and yes I feel guilty about it.
BabyCakes sure likes it though!

(Ok, her hair is not usually this BIG. She had just woken up from an especially revitalizing nap, I suppose. Girlfriend needs some product in her hair, though, am I right? ohhh I can't wait for the teen years...)
Surely my Angelic granddaughter wasn't involved in this whole catastrophe! She's always been perfect when Gramps is around. Also, what is this hair thing? Between my girls and their daughers, we should keep the hair product people alive and well. Hey, 20 years from now this will be a really funny story. We have dozens of them about you girls. Love ya always!
Oh it's already funny!
Yeah, her hair can get big. Usually it is in pretty curls but today it was rough! It doesn't help that she keeps pulling her bows out, either...
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