So there sat the chair.
Now let's jump over to the fact that we moved the cedar chest (a former resident of the closet) to another room. I suddenly had space in the closet again.
What to do? What to do? Something just felt incomplete. This is the what the closet looked like. (Blech. Why is it so hard to keep closets tidy?)

And THIS is what it looks like now!

Oh yeah, you know you're jealous. Almost 7 square feet just. for. me. (J, I know you are dying of embarrassment over my excitement right now. Sorry, you knew I was a dork when you married me.)
I have a little vanity area for all 3 of my beauty products (mascara, moisturizing lipstick that occasionally gets used, and the much needed (but rarely used) concealer):

An easy-to-snatch area for my camera, crafting/decorating/yard sale stuff:

Basically I just rearranged all my stuff that has no real home but well, makes me happy. Now it is contained and on much is on display so I now know my inventory a bit better.

I should mention that I didn't buy anything extra to do this. It was all done with what I already owned. I'll go into detail on some of the projects another time, but for now, you can just enjoy this picture again. :)

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