That's why my dental surgery was cancelled yesterday.
The roads were clear. The parking lot was not.
Since I didn't have my wisdom teeth removed, I got to go to WW today.
Mind you, I thought I was going to be on a semi-liquid diet for a few days this week, and I ate with that in mind. :/
And for the weigh-in... I was up. Just a little. As in 0.6 pounds.
And it's all made of chocolate, baby. :)
"Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Easy Santa's beard Advent Calendar
I meant to post this all December, but here it is on December 26th.

All you do is take the $1 Santa and write the numbers 1 - 25 on the beard. Be sure and space them out well if you plan to use the XL cotton balls like I did. Every day you just glue a cotton ball over the date, and Voila! A super-cheap and easy, fun advent calendar for the kids. BigBoy loved it and it was cute on our pantry door. I had one like it as a kid and loved it.
I made the easiest advent calendar this year:
1 Santa decoration from Dollar Tree
1 bag XL cotton balls
Glue of any kind
Total cost: $2.50.

All you do is take the $1 Santa and write the numbers 1 - 25 on the beard. Be sure and space them out well if you plan to use the XL cotton balls like I did. Every day you just glue a cotton ball over the date, and Voila! A super-cheap and easy, fun advent calendar for the kids. BigBoy loved it and it was cute on our pantry door. I had one like it as a kid and loved it.
I think this will have to come back next year.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from the "green house"! I can't wait for Christmas morning with a 4 year old and 1 year old!
I hope you all have a blessed Christmas and a fun New Year!
P.S. It might be after the first of the year before I resume blogging, as J will be home all next week and I have my super-exciting wisdom teeth removal scheduled.
For the love of Glob
Last night while I was still on a post-workout endorphin high, I jumped in the shower to get cleaned up. I accidentally over-squeezed the shampoo and ended up with a wonderfully latherous (I think I just made that word up) head full of suds. What a difference it made! I have a lot of hair so it felt soooo good!
(I'm realizing I sound a little sad by saying this. hrmph. oh well.)
I then proceeded to ditch my usual bar soap and grabbed the body wash to shave with and did it again. I planted a big fat glob of body wash on that sponge. I felt like a queen! I'm usually so frugal that I have to make it all last as long possible. Why, though?? I have bottles to spare!
That simple indulgence was very much worth it.
I highly recommend making the globs in your life larger.

The nice globs, anyway. Nasty globules need not apply.
(I'm realizing I sound a little sad by saying this. hrmph. oh well.)
I then proceeded to ditch my usual bar soap and grabbed the body wash to shave with and did it again. I planted a big fat glob of body wash on that sponge. I felt like a queen! I'm usually so frugal that I have to make it all last as long possible. Why, though?? I have bottles to spare!
That simple indulgence was very much worth it.
I highly recommend making the globs in your life larger.

The nice globs, anyway. Nasty globules need not apply.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
WW Wednesday
So this last week didn't go so well in the healthy eating department.
I might have even raided Santa's stocking stuffer stash.
There was a small Christmas miracle on the scale today, though, because I somehow managed to lose weight in the last week.
In all honesty, I wish I hadn't. My behaviors should NOT have led to a weight loss. I really truly don't know how it happened.
I'm just going to take it and go forth with my renewed commitment, though. That's what I have to do every day, every meal even -- just make the healthy decisions.
Think small and results will be big.
My goal for the next week: Don't indulge in Christmas goodies on all the days that aren't Christmas. It's a holiDAY, not a holiWEEK!
Next Tuesday afternoon I am having my wisdom teeth removed so there won't be a WW Wednesday next week. Maybe a WW Tuesday, but we'll see how ambitious I am.
Thanks again for all the support. I really appreciate!!!
I might have even raided Santa's stocking stuffer stash.
There was a small Christmas miracle on the scale today, though, because I somehow managed to lose weight in the last week.
In all honesty, I wish I hadn't. My behaviors should NOT have led to a weight loss. I really truly don't know how it happened.
I'm just going to take it and go forth with my renewed commitment, though. That's what I have to do every day, every meal even -- just make the healthy decisions.
Think small and results will be big.
My goal for the next week: Don't indulge in Christmas goodies on all the days that aren't Christmas. It's a holiDAY, not a holiWEEK!
Next Tuesday afternoon I am having my wisdom teeth removed so there won't be a WW Wednesday next week. Maybe a WW Tuesday, but we'll see how ambitious I am.
Thanks again for all the support. I really appreciate!!!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
This is my last post about BabyCakes' first birthday, I promise!
I had to share some cake pictures, though!

After she washosed down like a filthy creature lovingly bathed, Daddy gave her his present. (My present is unfinished.)

Yay for BabyCakes!
I had to share some cake pictures, though!

I think she enjoyed her cupcakes. :)

After she was

Yay for BabyCakes!

Monday, December 20, 2010
Little June Turns One
Back in June at BabyCake's half-Birthday, I took some photos of her in my pearl necklace. I talked about my plans to photograph her on her birthdays here.
BabyCakes has brought so much joy to our lives here in the "green house," as BigBoy refers to it. (Not to be confused with a greenhouse -- a place where plants actually live and thrive. Two out of 5 of my poinsettias are already down for the count and the Christmas tree is hanging on for dear life.)
BabyCakes has brought so much joy to our lives here in the "green house," as BigBoy refers to it. (Not to be confused with a greenhouse -- a place where plants actually live and thrive. Two out of 5 of my poinsettias are already down for the count and the Christmas tree is hanging on for dear life.)
Here are some things I have learned about her this year:
Here are some things I have learned about her this year:
1. She is not a younger, female version of my first baby. She is very much her own person with distinct likes and dislikes. For example, she likes sleeping in her own bed in her own home.
She dislikes staying up late just because something or someone new or different is involved.
The girl enjoys her sleep.
2. BabyCakes is resilient. The child hardly cries. I've seen her pull barstools on top of herself with barely a whimper. She rolls with the punches. That child is tough and when you see tears, it usually means I haven't done my job and gotten her to her crib on time.
3. She shares her bother's mischievous spirit. Nothing seems to make them giggle harder than when I squeal that they are getting into something they shouldn't.
4. Her favorite past time is exploration. Toys, dolls, books -- nothing lasts long in her hands. If I were to let her loose, she could have every cabinet and drawer in the house emptied in half an hour.
Restricting her access to new areas to explore is the easiest way to make her upset. (Aside from putting her in a strange bed.)
5. I have no idea how we will get along in the future. Sometimes I worry that we are too different. Then I remind myself that she just now turned ONE. There is still so much to come from this wonderful child. Besides, she's soooo easy-going.
Happy First Birthday, BabyCakes! It's been an incredible year having you in it!
Good Morning, Birthday Girl!

That's right, BabyCakes, you are turning ONE today!
We're going to have cupcakes and everything!
"Okay, so when do I get my cupcakes?"
Friday, December 17, 2010
Photographic Inadequacies
Why can't I ever take a decent "special occasion" picture of my children?
Weddings? Nope.
Birthdays? Nope.
Holidays? Big. Fat. NOPE.
These are some of the BEST shots from today when I was trying to get a last-minute Christmas card picture out of them.

Oh well. I don't think anyone who reads this blaaaahg is confused about what my children look like.
Weddings? Nope.
Birthdays? Nope.
Holidays? Big. Fat. NOPE.
These are some of the BEST shots from today when I was trying to get a last-minute Christmas card picture out of them.
BabyCakes mid-jabber:
Oh Bigboy! Look here! Come on, people. Work with me!
Yes, lovely, son. Very natural. And, no. It doesn't look like your sister is twice your size. Noooo.

This was the best of the day:
Oh well. I don't think anyone who reads this blaaaahg is confused about what my children look like.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
School was cancelled today. It was BigBoy's last day of preschool before Christmas.
I was looking forward towatching BigBoy fidget silently hearing his class sing Christmas songs.
I won't be taking pretty Christmas photos of my children in their red sweater and red dress.
Instead we have this:
And ugly weather.
I was looking forward to
I won't be taking pretty Christmas photos of my children in their red sweater and red dress.
Instead we have this:

And ugly weather.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
WW Wednesday
It was 2 weeks since my last meeting when I walked in to WW today.
I had a birthday and went out of town in that time.
I lost zero pounds in that those weeks. I also gained zero pounds.
I'll take it.
Goals for this week: stay away from the sweets that seem to be flying at me from everywhere, and try to work more veggies into my diet.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
BabyCakes' Birthday Wreath
Yes, her birthday really is here! We're having a small small birthday party for her on Sunday.
I decided I wanted to make a little something to greet our guests.
I (of course) didn't want to spend any money, so I scrounged around and found a wreath form I bought at a yard sale for a quarter and then just added some baby toys.

What do you think? Weird and sad or cute and creative? :)
Monday, December 13, 2010
Top 10 Ways to Destroy a Holiday Inflatable:*

10. Serve it some punch. With your fist.
9. Hurl a copy of the HOA bylaws at it.
8. Cut loose the tie-downs with your stroller.
7. Give it a good cleaning -- with a pressure washer.
6. Take your family-friendly vehicle and get all Dukes of Hazard on its ass.
5. Hog tie it with one of the owners' strands of orange and purple Halloween lights.
4. BB Gun drive-by.
3. Coat inflatable in peanut butter. Apply birdseed liberally.
2. Three words: Sharpened Candy Canes.
1. Bottle rockets. The same house with halloween lights and huge inflatables is destined to have fireworks.
*I am in no way advocating violence, destruction of private property, or law-breaking in any fashion. This is meant purely as a joke.
No giant Santa's were harmed in the making of this blog post.
I actually only detest the huge ones. The others don't bother me so much, but I'll never admit it out loud.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
We're home.
The last couple weeks have been crazy around here:

grandparents and the dogs for Thanksgiving, then the other set of grandparents, then my sister... and then we drove to TN/KY at the last minute. Daddy was in the hospital (the above pic was taken while they were here in NC) for a week. He's home now, though.

grandparents and the dogs for Thanksgiving, then the other set of grandparents, then my sister... and then we drove to TN/KY at the last minute. Daddy was in the hospital (the above pic was taken while they were here in NC) for a week. He's home now, though.
I'm glad we went but now it's time to get back to work.
I have 13 loads of laundry to finish this weekend.
Oh and my children are insane.
Traveling, lots of grandparents, and lots of TOYS will do that to you, I guess.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Champagne and snowglobes
Yesterday I celebrated my Inaugural 29th Birthday.
:) Just kidding. I don't think I'm going to start lying about my age.
I might have to see what Miss Clairol can do with these gray hairs, though.
It was a great day!
My parents had been in for a few couple days (they left after lunch) and then my sister arrived yesterday for a weekend visit.
My day was filled with flowers, cake (2 kinds!), champagne, dinner out with friends, and of course my beautiful babies and their daddy. They got me the snow globe
I have no problem with hitting the big 3-0 anymore.
That just means I get to spend another year with my favorite people in the world.
But I still might start coloring my hair.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
WW Wednesday: Post- Turkey(or ham in my case) Day Edition
I almost went to bed without my update... (yes, at 9:30)
We had a nice Thanksgiving with family in. I enjoyed our national day of gluttony.
Then I went to Maggiano's on Saturday and had lasagna.
And wine.
And chocolate cake.
And then came the weigh-in.
Guess what, though? I LOST. Crazy, I know.
This brings my grand total to 30 pounds lost -- almost the weight of BigBoy.
Thank you so much to those who have offered kind words and support. Keep sending it my way!
WW has just been overhauled for the first time in 13 years so I have some adjusting to do to the new plan, but I think it is going to help me make even healthier choices.
We had a nice Thanksgiving with family in. I enjoyed our national day of gluttony.
Then I went to Maggiano's on Saturday and had lasagna.
And wine.
And chocolate cake.
And then came the weigh-in.
Guess what, though? I LOST. Crazy, I know.
This brings my grand total to 30 pounds lost -- almost the weight of BigBoy.
Thank you so much to those who have offered kind words and support. Keep sending it my way!
WW has just been overhauled for the first time in 13 years so I have some adjusting to do to the new plan, but I think it is going to help me make even healthier choices.
I would say "I'm pumped!" but then I would have to knock the pompoms out of my hands and say something bitterly sarcastic.
Goal for this week: Make good decisions eating out while more family is in town.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
The Gray Days
Oh the gray days, they are a-loomin'.
Now that I think about it, with two children in the house, I think this winter will be much more colorful.
Yesterday afternoon the clouds shifted and it suddenly was very dark in the house. In the middle of the day. With no rain. Am I the only one dreading the winter?
I'm not trying to be negative but man I hate that January-February-March/when will it end?- time of year.
Any tips for keeping the dreariness only on the outside this winter? I keep all the blinds open and ignore the electricity bill turn on lots of lights. That seems to make me feel a little better.
I guess I've just been so happy lately that I don't want something as uncontrollable as the weather to come along and knock me down.
Maybe I'll be able to fight it with some silliness.

Now that I think about it, with two children in the house, I think this winter will be much more colorful.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I seriously don't deserve anything else.
I have so very, very much to be thankful for.
These are my top 3:

I'm hosting Thanksgiving tomorrow so that's all I have time for right now.
Again, Happy Thanksgiving to my (wonderful) blaaaaahg readers!
P.S. WW was another loss this week!
Next Wednesday ain't gonna be so pretty.
I'm thinking tissues are going to be needed at that meeting.
And chocolate... and elastic-waist pants.
These are my top 3:

I'm hosting Thanksgiving tomorrow so that's all I have time for right now.
Again, Happy Thanksgiving to my (wonderful) blaaaaahg readers!
P.S. WW was another loss this week!
Next Wednesday ain't gonna be so pretty.
I'm thinking tissues are going to be needed at that meeting.
And chocolate... and elastic-waist pants.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
WW Wednesday
Wow! I can't believe it is here again already!
Today's weigh-in went well: I lost again!
I really wasn't sure how it was going to go. I didn't feel any different.
I lost 2.2 pounds, though. That's 9 sticks of butter. Sounds like a lot when you think about it like that, doesn't it?
I still don't have a long-term goal and I'm glad. I don't want to get ahead of myself.
I made some good choices this week but I also did things like have cracker barrel for lunch and wendy's for dinner on the same day, though. :) You'd think I would have one of their nice, healthy salads, but nope. I had a bacon cheeseburger and fries, baby!
I still can't get on board with salads. Please tell me how you find them tasty!? My life would be a little simpler if I enjoyed salads.
Goal for this week: Plan Thanksgiving (like I was supposed to do last week)
Ok, off to the park with the kids!
Today's weigh-in went well: I lost again!
I really wasn't sure how it was going to go. I didn't feel any different.
I lost 2.2 pounds, though. That's 9 sticks of butter. Sounds like a lot when you think about it like that, doesn't it?
I still don't have a long-term goal and I'm glad. I don't want to get ahead of myself.
I made some good choices this week but I also did things like have cracker barrel for lunch and wendy's for dinner on the same day, though. :) You'd think I would have one of their nice, healthy salads, but nope. I had a bacon cheeseburger and fries, baby!
I still can't get on board with salads. Please tell me how you find them tasty!? My life would be a little simpler if I enjoyed salads.
Goal for this week: Plan Thanksgiving (like I was supposed to do last week)
Ok, off to the park with the kids!
Peanut butter and Jellyfish
Ok, so there wasn't any peanut butter... that I know of. With BigBoy involved there very well may have been some peanut butter residue along for the trip.
We had an extra-long weekend with J that involved a day trip to the NC Aquarium at Ft. Fisher.

It's right on the beach so we got out and walked around for a few minutes. It was a little chilly and windy so we never planned to stay long. Just enough to see the ocean and hear the waves.

I don't think BabyCakes fully appreciated the beauty before us.
I can appreciate her beauty before me, though. :)

I think she'll have more fun next summer.
Is there anything more soothing than seeing and hearing the rolling ocean waves?
We had an extra-long weekend with J that involved a day trip to the NC Aquarium at Ft. Fisher.

It's right on the beach so we got out and walked around for a few minutes. It was a little chilly and windy so we never planned to stay long. Just enough to see the ocean and hear the waves.

I don't think BabyCakes fully appreciated the beauty before us.
I can appreciate her beauty before me, though. :)

I think she'll have more fun next summer.
Is there anything more soothing than seeing and hearing the rolling ocean waves?

Thursday, November 11, 2010
Our Kind of Wonderful
My old friend Kelly has recently started a blog. Our Kind of Wonderful is her outlet for a school, work, obsessive-cleaning-ful life.
She's new to blogging and putting herself out there, but has a lot to share. In real life she's a hoot so I expect nothing less from her blog. I've known her for over 20 years (wow, that ages me) and she always keeps it interesting.
Here we are in middle school:
(That's her in the sunflower vest and me in the Mickey Mouse Christmas sweatshirt...with turtleneck. Kelly, I'm sorry!)

And this is the day after graduating highschool:
(She's in the green pants and I'm the one with the poofy side-ponytail.)

Anyway, head over to Our Kind of Wonderful and show her some love!
She's new to blogging and putting herself out there, but has a lot to share. In real life she's a hoot so I expect nothing less from her blog. I've known her for over 20 years (wow, that ages me) and she always keeps it interesting.
Here we are in middle school:
(That's her in the sunflower vest and me in the Mickey Mouse Christmas sweatshirt...with turtleneck. Kelly, I'm sorry!)

And this is the day after graduating highschool:
(She's in the green pants and I'm the one with the poofy side-ponytail.)

Anyway, head over to Our Kind of Wonderful and show her some love!
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