At preschool they asked him different questions to fill in a questionnaire about me.
I thought I'd share it with you, along with some old camera phone pics of the two reasons I had a whole weekend of special attention from my 3 favorite people (most of the time :) ) in the world.
Let me tell ya, the weekend could not have come at a better time. By the time Friday rolled around I was, in an ironic twist, really not liking my job.
Of course you all know how much I love my children, but sometimes the never-ending-ness of it all can get to you. In a big way.
Like a I don't care that we are almost out of milk and bread because I still do not want to go to the grocery store ONE MORE TIME just to lug both children in and out of the store - kind of mood.
A "BigBoy, if you whine one more time I will take away every Transformer in this house," - kind of mood.
A "Will Trade Children for Chocolate" - kind of mood.
Get the picture?
I was ungrateful, exhausted, and pouting.
But then I got over it after venting a bit and reading this:
(The words in bold are BigBoy's responses.)
"My Mother"
My mother is 15 years old, but to me she seems as young as my dad.

Her favorite sport is soccer ball and she likes to play Legos with me also.
She thinks that she can make stuff the best, but it is really making cakes that she does the best. (I call this wishful-thinking on his part.)

She has taught me all kinds of things like saying words and make my bed.
Whenever I am mad she is always there to help me.

My mother makes me make my bed all the time. She makes my dad work all the time too. (Ouch! That's not fair!)
He says that she is a real Autobot! (Transformer reference, I'm honored)

My mom and I like to pray.
I love it when my mom plays with me.
All of these things make my mom great! ~BigBoy

My job might have been getting to me, but this "performance evaluation" was a great reminder of how awesome the benefits are around here.
love it!
Super sweet, just like always!
love it! i had one of those weeks too- Emory was super whiney and Leland was super sassy. luckily the weekend was relaxed and perfect :O)
Awwww! So sweet! Those moments definitely make up for all the other not-so-pleasant stuff :)
Yes, they certainly do! I'm going to do one of these with BigBoy for Father's Day since he won't be in preschool anymore at that point. I know J would love it.
That is SO cute!!!
If only my boys would realize that I'M fifteen...
That is the sweetest thing ever! When he gets older you both will laugh over that list. The work part is comical :) I would love to be a stay at home mom, but just from my short time at home I totally understand how much work it really is - you don't get it until you have a one of your own. And you have two little ones! Clearly you are doing a great job!
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