BigBoy is lovin the crawling, by the way. He's always trying to help her do it better.
Today I walked in on him lightly stroking her cheek and saying "I so proud of you, Baby Girl." (Melt my heart.)

I have a feeling he won't be so sweet the first time he finds his light saber wet with slobber.
Love the picutres and the curls....and the brotherly love!!! So sweet!! At some point she WILL become a bother to him!! :) Sorry I missed your call. We listed Mama's house yesterday. Going to be a wild week next week for sure. All is well though.
She's looking more and more like you did at that age. The curls are really cute and make her look even more like you. I think they both really look like their Gramps. I sure have pretty grandchildren, don't I?
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