This was a crazy week. Tuesday we were out of school due to the threat of a "Winter Storm" (4-6 inches of snow).
That turned out to be an overcast day with an inch and a half of snow after sunset.
Wednesday we woke up to this:

Considered a dusting in many parts of the country, but it was enough for our poor Carolina-snow-starved children to enjoy!
The boys and girls next door came out to play as well and we tried out a couple yards and streets for some sledding.
There was a layer of ice that helped with the sledding, but BabyCakes ended up whacking her face on the icy road on one trip down, resulting in blood and tears. She ended up with a busted lip and some scrapes on her chin, but she immediately wanted to get back to sledding after we checked it out.
(As a side note, we ended up being out of school for the rest of the week due to icy roads in the county. We now have 4 Saturday make-up days as a result! Year-round school has it's costs sometimes. :/)
It was only in the high 20's or 30's so we were able to play a good bit before heading in for cocoa. (Thanks, Melissa!)
Even Kelly got in on the action. :)
Like I said, we were all a little starved for snow so it was easy to have fun -- even if there was grass poking through!
Of course BigBoy got in on the action! How does this pretzel position not hurt?!
My memories of childhood snow-day sledding with the Cole's are some of my most treasured, so I am glad my kids are growing up with a few of their own!
Looked like fun was had by all!
Miss you & love yall.
Oh how I wish we had been there. I always enjoyed our sledding days when you were little girls. I can see you had fun. Give those kids a big hug from Gramps.
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