Like everyone, there are things about our home that the hubs and I wouldn't mind changing.
All-in-all, though, we are in a friendly, safe community with easy access to everything we need and want, a great job-market, good neighbors, and good schools for the chitlins.
Our house isn't big or perfect, but it is a safe, loving home.
Pottery Barn-inspired mudroom kitchen floor begs kids to
strip down to the least amount of clothes necessary for decency make themselves confortable.
(BabyCakes, How many times do I have to tell you to put your shoes in your room?!!)
Priceless works of art line the halls unpainted hallway in our home.
Built-in bookshelves house expensive common-yet-beautiful souvenirs from world travels of the Southeast.
The winner of "Survivor: Cayce's Plants Edition" gets a hard-earned moment in the sun.
Dinosaur-monsters (that slightly frighten me) are next to my to-do list on my desk in my office the pantry door.
No, we don't have the fanciest house on the street, but I can guarantee I have the most loving gardeners in the neighborhood.