The heat index is 101 right now, so I thought I'd write a little something in the comfort of our air-conditioned home.
This is our first summer having BigBoy home with us. Our move back to Apex means a school change, and along with that is a calendar change from year-round to traditional. He has his first real summer off from school (not just one week off between grades). He's had camp, but there's also this:
The baby/toddler/preschooler that never would let me read to him, is now a bookworm!
He enjoys an equal amount of outdoor activities, too, but now he goes through 2 or 3 books a week.
Baby Honey seems to grow daily.
She gobbles up sweet potatoes, bananas...
and toy trains. :)
The big kids are a little obsessed with her.
The other day after she'd just woken up, I was cuddling with her on the couch giving her a bottle.
Katie snuggled up next to us and began softly holding/cupping the side of her head and then kissed her, saying "She's so cuuute" in a very quiet, affectionate way.
"Is she like a little baby doll?" I asked.
"No," she replied. "She's like a real sister."
Small moments of love can carry more meaning than the grandest of gestures.