"Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dimples and mouse ears

"Hey kids, let's take a few pictures outside before it gets dark."

 "Look who's home!"

"Hi Daddy! Check out Spiderman and his side-kick Minnie Mouse."

Later, after trick-or-treating at about 10 houses, we hung out on the porch and ate gave out candy.

 Peter Parker BigBoy generously shared his chocolate with his addict mother. (He offered, I didn't ask!)

Dimpled and Mouse-eared jack-o-lanterns pretty much sum up Halloween around here. 

I hope it stays that way. :)


shelley said...

How cute they are. I miss them so much. Well, all of you. Just want to hug them.

shelley said...

How cute they are. I miss them so much. Well, all of you. Just want to hug them.

Gramps said...

Too Cute!!! Please make them stay little. Love you guys!