"Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

WW Wednesday

Hi folks, this is going to be fast and dirty.

I was feeling good going in today.  Yes, I blew out my points over the weekend, but I thought for sure I was looking at a loss this week.  I didn't even worry about my clothes (their weight).  I strutted into my meeting thinking, "wow, that would be awesome if I got a +5 two weeks in a row."

Ohhhh, my friends, life has a deliciously dark chocolate sense of humor.  (I typed dark and thought chocolate.  Maybe this shows a bit of the problem.. :)  )

I gained this week.  Two whole pounds. 

Yes, that scale flipped me the bird.  You think you've got it all figured out?  You think you can just slide right into home without getting scratched up and bruised in the process.  No ma'am.  It doesn't work that way.

Ok, ok, I get the picture.  I'm going to have to work for the last 15 just as hard as I worked for the first.

Just makes success that much sweeter.

I still very well might return the favor and give that scale the bird next week, though.


I take it back.  I'm a lady.  This is the closest I can get to "giving the bird."

At least it's a big one.  ;)


AC said...

A big colorful one!

Cayce said...

Yep, the animal equivalent of the gesture I would use.

Alesia said...

HEY!! I wanted to encourage you about your weight!! You are my hero....please don't give up!! You can see the goal....14 POUNDS AWAY!! How awesome is that? Just keep chipping at it!! You can do it!! Life is full of all kinds of stresses and I know that you have dealt with some...as well as with class stress... Decide to sit down to study or work on school work with a health snack, something to crunch on like carrots and see if that helps. I love you and am so very proud of you. Alesia

Alesia said...

HEY!! I wanted to encourage you about your weight!! You are my hero....please don't give up!! You can see the goal....14 POUNDS AWAY!! How awesome is that? Just keep chipping at it!! You can do it!! Life is full of all kinds of stresses and I know that you have dealt with some...as well as with class stress... Decide to sit down to study or work on school work with a health snack, something to crunch on like carrots and see if that helps. I love you and am so very proud of you. Alesia