"Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."

Thursday, December 1, 2011

WW Wednesday: Thanksgiving Edition

Again, I'm late but I'm here.  Sorry bout that.

Let's get down to the nitty gritty, shall we?
Surprisingly enough, my past week in my weight-loss joooourney was better than most.
Yes, I had seconds of my favorites at Thanksgiving, but I didn't regret any of my choices, either.  We did some raking and mulching over the weekend which probably helped compensate from any increase in calories I ate.
All in all, I felt good walking in to my WW meeting.
(Of course a big reason may be because I snuck and weighed myself at the gym on Monday.)

So, I ate breakfast, wore normal clothes, and still had a nice loss at the scale.  To be honest, it wasn't as big as I thought it would be, but still nice all the same.  Felt good.  :)

When I decided back in September of last year that this would be the last time I ever tried to lose weight, I told myself that if I just kept at it, I could feel and look better at 30 than I had in my entire adult life.

I turn 30 tomorrow.

For realz.

I am proud to say my prediction was true.  My blood pressure is good, I feel strong physically, and I no longer fear that a diabetes diagnosis is just around the corner.  I am not saying I am perfect (far from it) and have no room for improvement.  I still have goals and many things to learn about living and sustaining a healthy lifestyle.
I am so glad that 15 months ago I didn't give myself a number or pant size to aspire to
(for the record, I've gone from a 16 in jeans to an 8/10 and from a 2x in shirts to a Large, and lost 60.6 pounds as of yesterday), only a challenge to not give up.

I am no different from anyone else and if I can do it, anyone can.

Like I said, my joooourney is not over, but tomorrow is a big milestone for me.


On to some business, anyone who has been participating the 20 in 20 Challenge, please check-in this week.  It is the last week of the Challenge and we'd love to hear if you've learned anything or (if you want to share- no pressure) if you've lost anything.  Email me if you'd rather not comment.
From today until next week's WW post I will collect the names of people who participated in the Challenge and they will be included in the drawing for a prize next week.
Good luck to you all!


Melissa said...

Wow, since the beginning of the challenge, I have lost a whopping 4 pounds. Not a huge loss, but a loss nonetheless. Even though there isn't a huge difference in my weight, I feel fantastic and I've done things in the last 20 weeks I never thought I'd do in my life and am healthier and happier than I've been in my adult life. All of these things are way important than the pounds lost.
I will get to goal, but the lessons I've learned will help me to never go back to where I was 14 months ago (for the record, ive lost 53 pounds since last September :))

Daddy said...

Well, I am 3 pounds heavier since I started this. However, since last December, I am 30 lighter than I was. I want to at least maintain my weight, but hopefully after the Holidays, I can get the extra 15 off that I would like to lose. I am very proud of you Cayce that you were able to do this. Keep up the good work. Love you!

Cayce said...

Um yeah, Melissa, I'd say up have learned and accomplished a lot! Sooooo glad you are taking this joooourney with me. :)
Thank you, daddy, for your support. At least it was just 3 pounds. Maybe you'll get a hold of your sweet tooth soon( I say as I munch on peppermint bark).