"Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self."

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

My sweeties brought me tulips and chocolate home from the store on Friday so I could enjoy them all weekend.
J knew I would prefer these gorgeous tulips over red roses. He said BabyCakes was the one that wanted me to have the Hershey Kisses and there may or may not be only 3 left this morning .

I mean come on, how gorgeous are these?

Speaking of gorgeous :) -- here's a short video of BabyCakes walking this morning. She even has a heart-covered sleeper for you. (For my email recipients, you have to go to my actual blog to see the video. Click on "Justacurl" at the bottom of your email.)

Happy Valentine's Day!


Daddy said...

Way too cute!!! She looks more like me every day:) Enjoy every minute of it.
Love ya,

Rachel said...

Love it! She is so precious!!!

Cayce said...

Yep, she's a real toddling toddler now! Oh, and we are most definitely enjoying every minute of it. :)